Biography - Statistic's

Gary's International outline details and judging records
4039 International Acceptances as of Jan 2024.
Plus 151 Judging Credits to date.
Awards: Merits / Medals / Honourable mentions
= 265 Grand Total

200+ Awards to date.
90 Judging credits as well.

Photographic Society of America :

PSA - Colour Section (Currently at Galaxy 6)
PSA - Monochrome section (Currently at Galaxy 2)
PSA - Nature Section (Currently at 5 Star)
PSA - Photo Travel Section (Currently at Galaxy 4)
PSA - Small Colour Prints Section (Currently at Star 3)
PSA - Small Monochrome Prints Section (Currently at Star 3)

Photographic Society of America :
BPSA (Bronze award) Panel of 10 DPI's on the Valencia Science Park.

History of Awards from the PSA:
June 2012 now acquired a PPSA level award (P = Proficiency)
March 2015 now acquired a EPSA level award (E = Excellence)
February 2017 now acquired a BPSA award (Bronze Photographic society of America) for a Portfolio of images.
April 2018 now acquired a MPSA level award (M = Masters)
January 2021 now acquired a MPSA2 level award (Master Level 2)

EFIAP- s (S = Silver)

History of Awards from FIAP:
Feb 2012 now acquired a EFIAP level award.
April 2014 now acquired a EFIAP/b Level award (b = Bronze)
November 2022 now approved EFIAP/s level award (s = Silver)

The Welsh Photographic Federation:
November 2015 now acquired a AWPF award (Associate of the Welsh Photographic Federation

Other Awards from different federations:
December 2020 now acquired and honorary levels of GAPU (Gold exhibitor in Asia)
July 2021 now acquired the level G.APS from Bangladesh. (Genius (G.APS) Distinction Awarded)
March 2022 now acquired the level A.APS from Bangladesh. (Artisan (A.APS) Distinction Awarded)

Judging Internationals & Others :

1. Swansea International Feb 2011
2. Port Talbot International Feb 2013
3. Port Talbot International Feb 2014
4. Welsh International August 2017
5. Welsh International Sept 2019
6. Taj mahal International - India Nov 2019
7. Neath BPE salon - August 2020
8. Taj mahal International - India Dec 2020
9. DPA Circuit Ireland Dec 2020
10. Shadow Circuit India June 2021
11. Welsh International August 2021
12. Digital Photo Archive Circuit Ireland December 2021
13. Taj mahal International - India March 2022
14. Cheltenham International - April 2022
15. Connacht Circuit International - Dec 2022
16. Connacht Circuit International - Dec 2023

The Welsh Salon of Photography (Club Photography) 2017
The Welsh Salon of Photography (Club Photography) 2022

The Welsh Photographic - Associate Day :
1. The WPF - Associate Day Chair Nov 2019
2. The WPF - Associate Day Chair Dec 2020
3. The WPF - Associate Day Chair Nov 2021

That's all for now - Gary